Explore 5 Reasons Why People Fear Of Growing age!

In your childhood, you might have heard that age brings intelligence, wisdom, beauty and experience. But as soon as you grow up a little to understand the truth, you are scared of it. Let’s explore why people have such an extraordinary aversion to ageing.

Some people say that time is just a concept which is made up to rectify the terror of timelessness. Well, the truth is uncovered; however the world has been following the concept so far, believed in, and practiced it. This is not for the reason that people love watching the hours tick, but for the sole reason of preventing chaos. So, the fact know is that you are no younger than you were yesterday.

I am afraid that one day when I will grow old, look back on my life and realize how much time I’ve just wasted. This horrifies me, especially the regret of not going on all those school trips and not taking that internship in Australia just because I was afraid of change...” ~ Ellis

Ellis is not alone! And surely, you would be relating to the same feeling which made you visit this post. Find out some reasons why people generally fear of growing age;

       Becoming Financially Weak: 

      While your body turns weaker, same is the case with your bank balance. Well, people are much aware of the fear factors today and therefore, they prepare for such things in advance. But even then you never know how long you are going to survive on this planet. With each passing day your balance keeps on decreasing, and it is seen that elderlies are often left with dramatically less money.

     Losing Attractiveness: 

      Those wrinkles, grey hair, permanent post-baby belly, dry skin, saggy breasts, weight gain, and so on, are all signs of aging, and of course fear. All these changes wrought by time and gravity, which seriously renders fear among both, men and women. With this they enter the world of "anti-aging" cosmetics, plastic surgery, laser skin resurfacing, and lots more. 

     Being Left Alone: 

      Aging is scary because people fear of living alone. For example, after the spouse's death, one figures out the most horrible time or losing old friends, or seeing their children dying first, or someone closer become sick. The fact is that social losses are very painful.

    Cancer and Other Health Problems: 

      Especially, in case of old women, cancer and several health conditions are common. As per a study conducted in 2005 by the Society for Women's Health Research, breast cancer is the major concerns women fear most. Growing age brings many more health problems, as it weakens the immune system and makes you more prone to diseases.

     Becoming Dependent: 

      Everyone is dread of being a burden for their loved ones. For those who have traditionally been the caregivers, it is difficult for them to accept the prospect of a role reversal. 

Well, your reason of being scary from the growing age can vary. But you have to understand that growing up is a beautiful rite of passage. It's a journey everyone had to take, so be prepared for it, not feared of it!


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