Celebrate Older Americans Month 2017 with Your Loved Ones

The 2017 older Americans month theme is called ‘age out loud’. What it means to age has changed and older Americans month 2017 is a good opportunity to recognize and celebrate what getting older looks like in today’s world. We can make the most of this day by sharing stories or experiences of older adults and those that serve them.

May is older Americans month and this may, we are taking a time to celebrate older Americans month (OAM) by recognizing older Americans for the noteworthy contributions they have made to the country.
Older American Months 2017

This year’s theme is “age out loud”. It aims to bring attention to how older adult’s people are taking charge of their health, getting busy in their communities or having a positive impact on the lives of others.

Here are few ideas on how you can celebrate older Americans month in a different and unique way:

Get Involved:

Get Involved With Seniors

Seniors have more potential than we often give them credit for. If you have volunteer opportunities in your organization that could be easily filled by seniors, then you might want to reach out to a local assisted living facility to see if their residents would be interested. Consider coordinating transportation to and from a volunteer event with the assisted living homes and residences to increase senior’s participation.

Get to know about your senior volunteers:

Tips to Celebrate Older American Month

Senior volunteers have a lot to offer and a lot of experiences to share. Ask them to share their stories of why they volunteer or a path that brought them to where they are today. Sharing these stories are a great way to get to know your volunteers and as a bonus, it might bring more volunteers to your organization.

Show your appreciation to them:

Celebrate Older Americans Differently

Already engage older volunteers? Use this month to show them how important they are to you. Give them a shout out in your newsletter, on social media, at your staff meetings and during volunteer activities. A small recognition can go a long way for keeping volunteers engaged and happy.

Photos and shout-outs make an awesome option but personal notes are even better to express gratitude. You can send out emails or letters to those who shared their stories or participated and ultimately inspired others. This celebration does not need any special age group, anyone who is interested can be a part of it. Learn, socialize and celebrate the golden moments.



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